Glock Lollipop by Merrill David
Every year an undeniable allure draws over a million people to the ‘Big Easy.’ Folks flock to New Orleans en masse for its distinctive Jazz music, to taste the beloved Creole cuisine, and take in the carnival-like atmosphere surrounding the annual ‘Mardi Gras’ celebration. This city also takes pride in the fact it has the knack for making visitors feel DIRTY; not necessarily in a bad way.
New Orleans native, Army combat vet and PTSD sufferer Billy LeBlanc returns home only to make a disturbing discovery. Several days following the big festival, a sizable group of strange ‘guests’ never left. Suddenly, the ‘Big Easy’ is inundated with reports of missing persons, frightening abductions by eerie and mysterious creatures, and a lot of REALLY BAD NEIGHBORS.
As Billy and Carlos, the kid next door, take it upon themselves to save their hood, they delve deep below the surface to discover an evil underworld of dark magic and evil THINGS. Seriously outnumbered by these wicked beings and with the big Freaky Fourth Festival soon approaching, will our heroes survive the New Orleans nightmare? Can they rescue one particularly conflicted Catholic nun named Christina as well as their city from all becoming SHINY HEMORRHAGING PEOPLE?
WARNING; this short story contains graphic sexual situations and violence which many might find offensive. HOW MANY LICKS CAN YOU GET IN BEFORE THE POP?
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