The Graves by J.P. Stevens
THE GRAVES features Fred and the soon-to-be infamous serial killer PJ Parker. Fred Duncan is a retired attorney, the mayor of Columbia city S.C and the new owner of a rundown funeral parlor. After acquiring the funeral home, Fred is faced with the challenge of replacing the area’s only gravedigger. With that being said, PJ burst onto the scene to take on the role of digger for the new unsuspecting funeral director. Although Fred has been warned about PJ’s underworld connections, desperation forces him into employing the shady character. PJ’s skilled in the gravedigger trade, however soon it becomes evident that PJ is also a paid assassin for the Conovess crime family. Fred now realizes his newfound gravedigger may also be using his trade to dispose of those he’s murdered. Later, after being forced into fleeing the U.S. and living in Pakistan; PJ’s introduced to Dr. Dennis. This gravedigger will never be the same after meeting with the doctor and his dry humor. The Graves novelette: atrocious, gruesome, a bit comical, and occasionally blood-soaked.