Bloodsucker! by BC Furtney
The city can be a dangerous place. Nobody knows this better than Paul Brackett, a hapless, twenty-something hipster who uses an online dating site to unwittingly open the door to both his apartment and his soul, for the predatory vampire, Lannie, who naturally appears to be the girl of his dreams. No sooner does Paul realize his predicament, than he accidentally floods the downstairs neighbor s apartment, attracting two bloodsuckers of a different kind.
Dysfunctional lovers, Maggy and Vin, are always on the prowl for a good scam. When they extort the kid upstairs for water damages, they, too, quickly find themselves trapped in the sultry vampire s night vision. Always a sucker for the ladies, Vin easily falls under Lannie’s seductive spell and does her bidding, both in and out of bed. Maggy, however, proves not so easy. Convinced evil forces are at play, the curvy spitfire fights to break free from the labyrinth of erotic horror the apartment complex has become.
With the arrival of a tenacious homicide detective and the bizarre, reclusive landlord, the noose begins to tighten. And, as another day s sun sets and night falls over the city, there s no telling who will survive…or what will be left of them.