Blowie by Simon McHardy and Sean Hawker
Stuck on Stanley Island with his marine biologist father and no women in sight, sexually frustrated Leo comes upon a chance encounter with a beached dolphin that will change his life forever. Amidst his newfound sexual awakening, Leo sets out in search of the ultimate orgasm—dipping his wick into the blubbery, moist folds of a majestic blue whale’s blowhole. Join Leo along with his father, Greenpeace, and a Japanese whaling fleet in this touching, coming-of-age story about a boy and his whale.
@tecnicinismo Reseña de libro perturbador y bizarro sobre un amante de los delfines y las ballenas (Blowie por Sean Hawker y Simon Mchardy) Lo encuentran en Godless punto com #librosen60seg #libroslibroslibros #librosrecomendados #librostiktok #booktok #booktoklatino #librosraros #librotok #triggerwarning #booktokespañol #booktoker #recomendaciones #indiewriter #indie #bizarrotiktok #bizarro #bizarrotiktok #turbio #perturbador #creepypasta #Godless #godlessbooks #horrortok #historiasbizarras #disturbing #ficcion #horror #aigenerated #inteligenciaartificial #wombodream #midjourney #splatterpunk #splatterpunkhorror #delfin #cetaceans #ballena #whale #iceberg #marinebiology #biologiamarina #wattpad #anime #otaku #historiasdeterror #raro #weirdcore #ficcion #teloresumo #fyp #fypシ #foryoupage #parati ♬ Horror train, horror piano, BGM(1230538) – syummacha
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