Dead Song Legend Dodecology Book 5: May: from Palm Springs to Colorado Springs by Jay Wilburn
Tiny Jones, Satchelmouth Murderman, and Kidd Banjo have chosen the lesser of two devils in hopes of slaying the greater. They are not prepared for what seeing this bargain through to the end will mean for them and the world. Forces across zombie infested America are now set on conquest and power. As the trio comes to grips with trying to set things right, their choices are tearing them apart worse than the zombies ever could.
“I don’t know anything about Tiny Jones, where he is or what he’s doing. I fought against him myself at one point and I’m still not certain he was ever really a man and not some figment we all just imagined when we needed a hero or a monster. Maybe he commands life and death like some kind of god. Maybe we are on our own like we always were. All I know for certain is that our lives are in our hands just like they always were. And the end of this nightmare starts today.”
— R.U.S. Marshal April Neptune, Second Battle of Murray