Godless League #6 (The Doze – “Concrete Christmas”) by Drew Stepek
John Slaughterdozer is: THE DOZE
“Concrete Christmas”
When Globoshame CEO Charles Busk III makes a rare public appearance at a Christmas Parade, radioactive cement behemoth The Doze unleashes his maniacle vengeance. With a body count that quadruples the carnage in the first issue of The Doze, “Concrete Christmas” is THE holiday story promising to drench your trees in the blood of the Local 222!
Are you sick of pussy superheroes who have too much backstory and not enough killer instinct? Do you wish comic books would just jump from one brutal kill scene to another more brutal kill scene? Do you think like a nine-year-old who just watched I Spit on Your Grave for the first time?
The Godless League is for you!
Short on story. Long on hyper-violent, mostly misguided, vigilante justice is what Stabberger, Lushbutcher, and Slaughterdozer are all about!
Leave the genuine world-building and plausible origin stories to the mainstream… all we care about is bloodlust and carnage! Fuck them, anyway. They’ve taken enough of your money and given you nothing but disappointment. When was the last time a Marvel hero cut off a Nazi’s cock? Steve Rogers doesn’t got the guts. What kind of hero is that?
Godless League is a new monthly, psychotic, bizarro, short series from the juvenilely sadistic minds of John Baltistberger, Lucy Leitner, and Drew Stepek.