Mothers of Mayhem: An Extreme Horror Podcast: Episode 21 – IN FRENCH THAT MEANS BATHROOM (John Wayne Comunale)
This week we managed to keep Indie Horror’s #1 Nomad sitting in one spot for more than 5 minutes. *In annoying Borat voice* …GREAT SUCCESS. Sit back, relax, and let’s get freaky with John Wayne Comunale. You know you wanna.
Marian and Christina are 2 moms who just read some totally effed up books. Join them as they break down Indie Extreme and Splatterpunk Horror’s best new book drops and chat it up with the genre’s best up and coming authors.
**CONTENT WARNING: profanity, explicit adult content, stuff you can’t even begin to imagine.**
MARIAN TikTok: @tf_did_i_just_read Instagram: @tf_did_i_just_read Facebook: TF Did I Just Read
WuTang is for the children…THIS IS NOT FOR THE CHILDREN.
MARIAN TikTok: @tf_did_i_just_read Instagram: @tf_did_i_just_read Facebook: TF Did I Just Read
JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP FOR MORE UPDATES, INFO, AND BONUS INFO!…MUSIC: Amigo the Devil – HUNGOVER IN JONESTOWN from the album “Everything is Fine”. Used with artist permission. (Thank you, Danny!)