Psychonaut (Starblood Trilogy, book 2) by Carmilla Voiez
Satori is caught between two worlds. He is in love and too stubborn to let a little thing like death get in his way. Star’s tortured and broken body awaits, but does she really need Satori to save her? To reach her, he must face unimaginable horrors, including his true self.
Full of sex and magic, Psychonaut is an exploration into the human psyche and the second book in Voiez’s Starblood Trilogy.
“Carmilla Voiez is more of a singer than a writer. She tells her compelling story in a hypnotic, distinctive voice that brings her eerie world vividly to life.” Graham Masterton
“Psychonaut is a book of mad impulses, inner vision, sadism, escape and belief. You feel uncomfortable reading it, like Alex strapped to the chair in Clockwork Orange being taught to feel sick at atrocity. Rather than leave us crippled by response, though, Psychonaut bears you through the hurt towards the only paradise we can be assured of…a love past fault.” Jef Withonef, Houston Press