The Soxorcist by Jamie Kort
Something far beyond comprehension is happening to an innocent sock puppet in a dark attic, there is only one kind of sock that can help. That sock has been sent as a last resort to try and save her. That sock is The Soxorcist.
A gross-out horror story by Jamie Kort, ripping off extreme horror master Matthew Vaughn and his stories, The Sexorcist and Sexorcism. Because fuck it.
@tecnicinismo Leemos un relato que parece una pesadilla prohibida de 31 Minutos (The Soxorcist por Jamie Kort) #librosen60seg #libroslibroslibros #librosrecomendados #librostiktok #BookTok #booktoklatino #librosraros #librotok #booktokespañol #booktoker #recomendacion #indiewriter #indie #librosrecomendados #libroseningles #bizarrotiktok #bizarro #bizarrotiktok #turbio #perturbador #creepypasta #horrortok #historiasbizarras #disturbing #ficcion #horror #splatterpunk #splatterpunkhorror #31minutos #tuliotriviño #juancarlosbodoque #calcetinconrombosman #wattpad #anime #otaku #historiasdeterror #raro #posesioninfernal #exorcism #elexorcista #exorcist #teloresumo #fyp #fypシ #foryoupage #parati ♬ Horror minor classic 3 (music box)(182789) – rareNote