The Tetromet (Southern Discomfort Season 2 Book 3) by Ezekiel Kincaid
In The Tetromet, Ezekiel Kincaid brings the urban legend of Frenchtown Road to life. The curvy stretch of highway in Central, Louisiana brings forth macabre tales of witchcraft, satanism, and a murderous cult. In 1982, two curiosity stricken teens travel down Frenchtown Road to seek firsthand experience about the lore surrounding the ominous railroad trestle lying towards the end of the road. Their light hearted exploration brings them face to face with terrors they could only imagine in their sweat soaked nightmares. But worst of all, it brings them face to face with The Tetromet.
Written with the atmosphere of a 1980s B horror movie, Kincaid expands on one of the film clips in his found footage horror novel, The Tetromet Tapes (out now by D&T Publishing). You’ve experienced the Tetromet as a dark, historical horror possession tale in The Dreadful Death series. You’ve tasted him in a paranormal story with The Door. You’ve walked the dirty underbelly of Baton Rouge with him in Tetromet Rising, and you’ve traveled back to North Carolina with him in the folk horror Call of the Tetromet. You’ve seen his destruction in the creature feature A Kaiju for Christmas. Now, it’s time to meet him up close and personal in The Tetromet.
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