The Ultimate Guide To: Terror Interactive Studios by William Sterling
Terror Interactive Studios’ debut project hopes to revolutionize the entertainment industry. Using new Mixed Reality technology to combine cutting edge VR with AI learning, TIS represents the next generation of gaming. Up-and-coming streamer, Reign, joins the company’s tech showcase with the hopes of demonstrating his talents on the largest stage competitive gaming has ever seen. But the tournament is destined for disaster, and as the game’s AI core digs deeper and deeper into players’ unique fears, what starts as an ESCAPE ROOM-like competitive reality show quickly devolves into a morality-be-damned, SAW-meets-BLADE RUNNER-esque fight for survival against a game master that has been programmed to personally scare each competitor…to death.
The Ultimate Guide to: Terror Interactive Studios is an anti-AI novella featuring multiple pieces of interior artwork, including game posters from Fabled Beast Design, prototype sketches, and strategy maps to guide you in exploring every inch of the studio’s created worlds. Learn the most useful shortcuts and find all of the hidden areas for your best chance to come out on top.