William Gorman
Welcome. I grew up listening to macabre stories and dark yarns from my grandfather, a magician and former ‘mentalist’ during the last great, fading days of vaudeville, told to me in porch shadows on warm Illinois summer eves. My first book, the best-selling GHOST WHISPERS, was published in 2005 and spawned the immensely popular Haunted Rockford tours and cemetery walks now operating in my hometown. In 2016 my debut novel, a supernatural thriller titled BLACKWATER VAL, was released by award-winning Crystal Lake Publishing. A collection of short fiction and more books featuring murder, suspense, and the vengeful dead will soon follow. The magician may be gone, but the stories remain.
In my spare time I hang around with German shepherds and listen to classic rock & roll. Sometimes I search for old bookshops or magic museums and I linger there, waiting for Neil Gaiman to materialize from out of the dust.